--- title: Getting Started description: Get started with ShulkerScript --- import { Steps, FileTree } from '@astrojs/starlight/components'; ## Installation To get started with ShulkerScript, you need to install the ShulkerScript CLI. You can either [download](#download-from-github) the latest release from the GitHub releases page or [build it from source](#building-from-source). ### Download from GitHub 1. Go to the [GitHub releases page](https://github.com/moritz-hoelting/shulkerscript-cli/releases) and download the latest release for your platform. 2. Extract the downloaded archive. 3. Move the extracted binary to a directory in your PATH. 4. Test the installation by running ```bash shulkerscript --version ``` You should see the version of the CLI printed to the console. ### Building from source 1. Make sure you have [Rust and Cargo](https://rustup.rs) installed. 2. Install the CLI by running ```bash cargo install --git https://github.com/moritz-hoelting/shulkerscript-cli ``` 3. Test the installation by running ```bash shulkerscript --version ``` ## Creating a new project 1. Create a new directory for your project. 2. Navigate into the directory. 3. Run ```bash shulkerscript init ``` This will create a new ShulkerScript project in the current directory. 4. Open the `pack.toml` file in your favorite text editor and configure the project to your liking. The project structure should look like this: - src/ - main.shu - .gitignore - pack.toml - pack.png ## Writing your first script After opening the file `src/main.shu` in your favorite text editor, you should see the following content: ```shulkerscript title="src/main.shu" namespace "your-name"; #[tick] fn main() { /say Hello, world! } ``` The annotation `#[tick]` tells the compiler that this function should be executed every tick. Every line that starts with a `/` is a command that will included in the output. You can add as many commands as you like. To begin with, you can change the message in the `/say` command to something else. ## Building the project 1. Navigate into the project directory. 2. Run ```bash shulkerscript build ``` This will compile the project and output the result to the `dist` directory. 3. Alternatively you can run ```bash shulkerscript watch ``` to automatically rebuild the project when a file changes. ## Distributing the project 1. Navigate into the project directory. 2. Run ```bash shulkerscript package ``` This will create a ZIP archive containing the compiled project. 3. You can now distribute the archive to your users.