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Create datapacks with all the features of rust you like.

Example Usage

use shulkerbox::{
    datapack::{Datapack, Function, Namespace},

let mut dp = Datapack::new("shulkerpack", 20) // Create a new datapack with the name "shulkerpack" and the pack format 20
    .with_description("I created this datapack with rust") // Add a description to the datapack
    .with_supported_formats(16..=20) // Add the supported formats of the datapack
    .with_template_folder(Path::new("./template")) // Add a template folder to the datapack. This will include all files in the template folder in the root of the datapack and can be used for including the "pack.png" file
let mut namespace = Namespace::new("shulker"); // Create a new namespace with the name "shulker"

let mut hello_function = Function::new(); // Create a new function
hello_function.add_command("say Hello, world!".into()); // Add a command to the function
namespace.add_function("hello", hello_function); // Add the function to the namespace

dp.add_namespace(namespace); // Add the namespace to the datapack

let v_folder = dp.compile(&CompileOptions::default()); // Compile the datapack with default options"./dist")).unwrap(); // Place the datapack in the dist folder"./")).unwrap(); // Zip the datapack to the file